Sunday, July 29, 2012

Simple Steps: A Healthy Energy Drink!

I didn't get to sleep until 3am last night.  Not because I wasn't tired, but because my husband drank his Cinch Energy Tea at work when he needed a lift. 

When he got home 2am he was still wired and ended up keeping me awake while he watched the Olympics. Talk about an unexpected side effect! He promised he'd drink his tea earlier in his shift next time.

I used to lecture him on how his energy drinks would make him fat and were really bad for his health in general.  I can't even get the pleasure of lecturing him now!  And I'm tired and cranky and really want to. Cinch Energy Tea is made with natural ingredients and has only 5 calories per serving.

I'm so pleased that I can replace something that he normally uses with a healthy alternative!  And it is works better than those other energy drinks that are loaded with tons sugar or high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors and colors.  Who can be mad at that! 

Where do you get your energy?


  1. Karla: Stopped by to say Hello. I am on your Shaklee team. Come and visit me, and follow me too!

  2. Interesting! ENjoying your blog.



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