Monday, March 7, 2011

Off & Blogging

I remember our teachers in school trying to instill a love for writing in our young hearts.  Surely that's what they had in mind when they assigned essays and papers, poems and reports.  Our suspicion was that it was a strange form of torture.  But I'm now convinced that they had to have had a higher purpose in mind.

One of the assignments that teachers these days love to assign to their students is journaling.  The teacher may give the students an idea of what to write about, or leave it totally up to the student.  Just as long as they are getting something down on the page.  It is a great tool to get students practicing penmanship, sentence structure and creative thinking.

Over the course of my life I have started several journals.  I would write a couple of entries a week for about a month and then give up. My thoughts flowed so fast and writing (by hand) seemed so tedious. I was too impatient.   

When my children were born I vowed to make beautiful baby books for them.  My oldest was born in 1996 and that has yet to happen.  I did document each milestone and memory, moments sweet and not so sweet, with thousands upon thousands of photographs.  Thank God for creating people who were smart enough to invent digital cameras!  And I did jot cute quotes, and other memories and statistics down in a small notebook.  All with the goal of eventually sorting them out and building them into the wonderful mementos I had dreamed of.  I should have them done in time to share with my grandchildren [wink].

When I was younger I used to mentally write essays.  They never made it to paper however, and are now lost in the deluge of thoughts and worries that come with adulthood.  I fancied writing a mystery novel, but seeing as how I can never solve one that I am reading, I don't think I would be able to come up with a very intriguing  plot.  It would be too simply solved.  Several years ago, when our family doctor suggested a gluten-free diet for my husband, I started experimenting to come up with my own pancake recipe.  At that time I would stand at my kitchen counter, mixing a cup of this and a spoonful of that, planning the cookbook I would one day write.  But, alas, that pancake recipe was my 1st and my last.  A cookbook with one recipe would not likely be a best seller.

So here I am.  Starting off on a new adventure.  The more I learn, the curiouser I get. And I'm looking forward to where my curiosity takes me.

BTW:  If you can read this, thank a teacher.

And, if a parent (or other guardian) taught you to read, you were homeschooled.  Even if it was only until you started Kindergarten.

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