Sunday, July 1, 2012

Karla's Daybook

Outside my window...    it's dark so I can't see, but I don't think anyone's out there!

I am thinking...    that I'm really good at wasting time!

I am thankful for...    my wonderful family.

From the learning rooms...    we're getting ready to start a new school year next week.  July is going to be a busy month so I'm not sure if we'll be able to stay on track.  We might have to carry some of July's work into August.

From the kitchen...    I was supposed to fillet a bunch of chicken breast today so that it would be ready for meals this week.  I managed to fiddle around being OCD about this blog's format long enough that it got to be too late.  I'm really good at that.

I am wearing...    a t-shirt and capris.  I should be in my jammies right now.

I am creating...    stress for myself, because instead of doing what needs to get done I have been zoning out on the computer all night ;)

I am going...    to go to bed in about 10 minutes.

I am reading...    nothing today.  Yesterday I finished The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie.  It was her first published novel and featured Hercule Poirot.  I have decided to read through all of the Poirot stories in chronological order.  I have several books requested from the library as a means to this end.  I'm really looking forward to getting them and hope they come in soon.

I am hoping...     my lovely daughter will be coming to visit this week.  We are all anxious for her to get here.  We have lots of fun planned.
I am hearing...     people shooting off early fireworks.

Around the house...   I have managed to clear out some tubs of clutter this week.  It feels  good and I plan on doing more next week.

One of my favorite things...   is Reese's' Peanut Butter Cups.  They are so yummy!  Ethan shared one with me today.  I couldn't resist.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
  • I need to order some school materials (Latin & Life of Fred)
  • We need to make our bi-annual trek to the mall (YIKES!)
  • My birthday is Tuesday.  I'm holding on to 29 for another year.   
  • I need to post items for sale on Craigslist this week.  I've never bought or sold on Craigslist and I guess I'm a little nervous about it.  Everyone says is super easy.  I've been putting it off and I guess I'd better just do it.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

This cicada was on the landing of the stairs today. So amazing!

Read more Daybooks at:


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one doing a Daybook blog at night.

    I enjoyed reading your post.

  2. I love your photo ...Not sure what it is but it's beautiful but I am sure I would need CPR if one landed anywhere on me :)

    1. @Kat - Thank you! It is a cicada. One of my favorite insects of summer. I love the hum they make in the trees.

      The wiki article has a neat time lapse that shows one coming out of its exo-skeleton :) Yeah... I'm kind of weird about bugs ;)


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