I am hearing... my husband talking to his buddy on the phone.
I am thinking... that I am ready for some peace.
I am thankful for... this moment.
From the learning rooms... summer reading programs just started last week and I am already behind in logging their reading times. I'm usually on top of this kind of thing, but I've been so overwhelmed with car hunting that I haven't had time to think about it.
From the kitchen... Maia made a pineapple/cream cheese spread today. Someday she can take over for me :)
My current project is... de-cluttering the kids' rooms. It is never-ending. I will hopefully get it done before I run out of momentum.
I am going... to make time to get my hair cut tomorrow! It's been at least 6 months since I cut my hair myself and over a year since I've had it cut by someone else. Tomorrow I plan on going to the nearby cosmetology school and crossing my fingers ;)
I am reading... I just finished the 1st part of the 39 Clues series which I was reading with Maia. Now I'm taking a break to go to bed earlier and get more sleep. I'm not sure what I'll read next. Maybe something classic.
I am hoping... for a productive day tomorrow. So many things to get done!
Around the house... I need to get a lot more de-cluttering done.
One of my favorite things... the wonderful hugs my children fill my days with.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
- sort the boys' tubs of clutter
- check into getting raw milk
- start the elimination diet I've been putting off for 4 months.
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